This association was formed for the mutual advancement of interests of its members, to reform abuses, to instill principles of justice and equality in the turf and landscaping business, to protect its members from irresponsible customers, to encourage frequent consultation among its members for the promotion of the common interest of its members, to adopt safety rules and regulations for the prevention of accidents and injuries in connection with the turf and landscaping business, to gain proper and equitable insurance rates for its members, to eliminate unfair competition and unfair business practices, and to do all such acts as may be necessary, proper and advisable for increasing the business of its members.
The particular objectives for which this association is formed are to improve conditions in the landscape industry by making business between members profitable and pleasant by establishing an educational program and in general by doing all and anything that will add to the prestige and standing of this association in the public esteem.
To further the objectives set forth above, this association shall endeavor to promote the general welfare of its members by:
- The cultivation of acquaintanceship.
- Promoting a greater need of an educational program of the many commodities and their proper usage.
- The improvement and standardization of procedures.
- The advancement of lawful and fair trade practices, customs and usage.
- Cooperation with allied interests.
- Promoting the arbitration of disputes.
- The compilation and dissemination of scientific information to its members.
- The study of business methods and practices and standards for recommendation to and use by its members.
- Cooperation with governmental agencies in molding policies on legislative and administrative matters in the interest of the public and the industry.
- Engaging in any lawful activities which will enhance the efficient and economic progress of the industry and apprise the public of its scope and character.
In addition to all of the previous ideals and standards, the NYS Turf and Landscape Association has a Library and Scholarship Fund. In the past, a cash award was given to various libraries in the county to be used toward the purchase of horticultural and gardening books. To date, we have made awards to approximately 25 libraries. On “Arbor Day” numerous varieties of trees have been donated to different towns and sites throughout Westchester County.
The annual scholarship award, once known as The Frank Sgobbo Memorial Scholarship Fund, was given to a high school student undertaking a career in the landscaping or horticultural field. This was changed in 1996. Currently, it is called NYSTLA’s Frank Rossi Horticultural Scholarship Award, which will be awarded to a student currently enrolled in a horticultural curriculum at a qualified college in the State of New York. The current value of the award is $1,000.00. To date, 76 scholarships totaling $39,550 have been awarded.