Hear what our Members Have to Say!
“I have gained immense value by being a member of the New York State Turf & Landscape Association. Members are willing to help each other by sharing experiences and solutions which resulted in positive results, so you may not need to re-invent the wheel. It’s like a brotherhood. It’s the best money I spend once a year for truck loads of information which betters my business.” ~ Jay Kringdon
“I am relatively a new member to the New York State Turf & Landscape organization. The information and updates that I have received on a regular basis has been very useful. I have taken advantage of many of the trade/seminars that your organization has sponsored, which has kept me current with trade specific trends and NYS Pesticide certification credits. The officers and members are great for networking and support. Please keep up the good work!” ~ Vic Schneider
“Dear NYSTLA, I want to thank you for the years of support and educational opportunities you have put out to help my landscape design business. I have always felt a part of a great group of hard working, friendly, forward thinking, environmentally conscious people. The Association brings together the trade to better communicate, build business connections, and support big and little business (like mine). I am very glad to be a member; I appreciate all the years I have been a part of NYSTLA.” ~ Meg Veith-Heib
“I have always found the NYSTLA Meetings to be informative and fun. I can’t see a better way of keeping up to date on all the changes in the laws, techniques and new information, that is constantly changing, without being a member of this organization.” ~ Trevor Hall, Certified Arborist
“It is a great asset to belong to business organizations such as the NYSTLA, even though your competitors are there also, it gives you a chance to join forces in local matters that need input and establishing relationships that help you in business. It is a source of getting information that affects your business locally as opposed to the national associations. The friendships I have established over the years is invaluable and I feel I can always call on a member for help if needed.” ~ Member, White Plains, NY
The NYSTLA is on the mark for helping individuals become more professional and EDUCATED in the green industry. It would be foolish not to be a member. Joe Tinelli, the Board members and Kim are dedicated to the Association. I thank you for your dedication. KNOWLEDGE COMES FROM INVOLVEMENT!! BE INVOLVED!! ~ Bob Potanovic, Certified Arborist
Becoming a member of NYSTLA put me on the road to being a landscape professional instead of just being a contractor. ~ Richard Heller